“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity.” ― Roy Bennett

Meet Mandi-bre Watson

Mandi-bre Watson is a motivational speaker, writer, and passionate follower of Jesus. Through her writing and speaking, she tries to be a beacon of hope as she points people to the Savior. She is a devoted wife and mother to 4 amazing children.

Additionally, she owns a small marketing company, is the owner of an online boutique, Veiled in Love, where she sells her handmade veils, and is the co-founder of Anchored Ministry. She is a Certified Spiritual Companion through Oblate School of Theology and an active member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

Learn more about Anchored Ministry www.dropanchor.org

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Loved As You Are

August 24th


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I heard about Mandi-bre Watson before I met her. ​My friend and co-worker was telling me about this ​joy-filled woman who spoke so passionately about ​the love of God during her recent ACTS Retreat. As ​the events coordinator for Pilgrim Center of Hope ​at the time, I was tasked with selecting speakers for ​conferences and events. My co-worker ​encouraged me to reach out to her.

The first event I witnessed Mandi-bre share her ​love for Jesus through her Catholic faith was at a ​parish women’s retreat where we both spoke. From ​that providential event, Mandi-bre was invited to ​become a permanent member of the Pilgrim ​Center of Hope Speaker Team. Her talents have ​since adorned the ministry as speaker, regular ​contributor to the Pilgrim Log blog and to taking ​up the formidable reins as the enthusiastic, funny ​and ever reverent and faithful emcee at the annual ​Catholic Women’s Conference.

Mand-bre is a jewel. She is one of those precious ​gems who manages to live deeply faithful to our ​never-changing God while exuding a modern flair, ​approachability, and genuineness. She has an ​exquisite joy that only comes through suffering ​endured with confidence in God’s goodness and ​trust in His personal love for her. She resembles ​our Blessed Mother in this extraordinary way. ​Mandi-bre is a leader who does so from the middle; ​meaning she walks alongside others as she guides ​through word and witness being the salt and light ​our Lord Jesus calls us each to be. I am privileged to ​know Mandi-bre Watson and blessed to call her ​my friend.

Nan Balfour, retired events coordinator and current ​volunteer at Pilgrim Center of Hope.

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Mandi-bre Watson was our guest ​speaker at our Church ladies Annual ​Luncheon and was amazing! She ​spoke to us about being a faith filled ​woman in today’s world. Mandi-bre​ was energetic, at times humorous​ but above all, faith loving. She gave​ us many ways / ideas of how to keep​ God in the center of not only our life​ but our families and community!"​

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Cathy Klingbeil, Ladies Auxiliary Membership Chair

More Testimonials

On Speaking

On Writing

Mandi-bre Watson is a joyful authentic ​communicator with a deep faith, passion for ​people and on fire to lead others to Christ. As a ​speaker she ignites and engages the room ​guiding people to self reflection and ​empowerment. She leads every person to dig ​deeper, reach higher and believe bigger.

Mary Baron Johnson

Mandi-bre's writing has been a true asset to my ​Catholic business. After hiring her to write ​blogs and emails for my customer base, I've ​been so touched by the depth she brings to ​every blog post and email, mixing spiritual ​insights with her own life experiences. ​Everything she writes feels very real and close ​to home. Mandi-bre has a knack for writing in ​ways that everyone can relate to, while leaving ​room for profound reflection. Her writing not ​only educates but also touches the heart ​deeply. It’s clear she writes with a lot of care ​and sincerity, and that honesty has really ​resonated with our community. I’m truly ​thankful for her contributions.

Mary Claire Scholl, Owner, 12th & Blossom

On Spiritual Guidance

In my short time, knowing Mandi-bre,

I was able to connect with her on a very deep, ​spiritual level as we prepared for the formation of our ​Women's ACTS retreat.

Her leadership, guidance and peaceful presence ​provide an authentic personal experience for each ​woman she encounters. Upon spending time with ​her, you instantly feel a connection, as she draws you ​closer to God. Her demeanor, her softness, and her ​fierce love for God feel like sunshine. In my opinion, ​she possesses the beautiful spiritual gift of counsel.

Cindy Bachicha, former ACTS Director

Photo of Black Microphone

Mandi-bre Watson

motivational speaker, writer


San Antonio, Texas

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